数量(Quantity)和重量(Weight),两者为直接贸易的重要商谈项目.数量若不确定,交易就无法进行;若是无法交出契约上所订的数量,也就无法达成交易.数量为交易的基础,所以数量为交易中不可缺少的重要因素.数量英文为quantity或volume, amount.但表示金额的数量时,一般用amount来表示.
Basic Expressions(基本例句)
We will ship the quantiy of 500 tons of the goods.
We will place an order for soybeans in large quantities with you.
We will deliver the contract quantity by August 10.
As this is a large order, we would like you to give us your quantity.
The delivered quantities are 560 tons and are different from the contract quantities.
Owing to the rush of orders, the maximum quantity we could sell is 100 sets.
We have many inquiries for this item. Please give us your quantity available.
We will have an additional quantity of 10 sets for this order.
Please let us know what the full quantity of your order is.
Words and Expressions (词汇和短语)
Contract quantity 契约数量
Quantity discount 数量折扣
The delivered quntites; the shipped quantity 交货数量
Maximum quantity 最高数量
Minimum quantity 最低数量
Quantity available 现货数量
Quantity purchase 大量购买
Quantity order; large order; order in large quantities 大数量的订单
Additional quantity 追加数量
Full quantity; whole quantity; entire quantity 总数
Fair; large; great; considerable; sizable quantity 大数量
Sufficient quantity 数量充足
Workable quantity 可交货的数量
Deficiency of quantity 不足的数量
Difference in quantity 数量上有出入
Shortage of quantity 数量短缺
Excess quantity 超额的数量
Landed quantity terms 卸货数量条件
Shipped quantity terms 装船数量条件
More or less terms 短溢装条款
Maximum acceptable quantity 可能接受的最大数量
Minimum acceptable quantity 可能接受的最小数量